Wednesday, July 18, 2007

JB, The Southern Hell of Malaysia

Almost everyday, once receive the newspaper in the morning, first thing i pray is nobody in JB gets hurt yesterday. But, Gods seems do not like me, almost everytime God did not granted my wish. almost everyday, there is cases happened in JB, it varies from snatch theft to murder. Although PDRM had increased their man power in JB and i believe JB resident also felt that recently, there are more police patrol cars appear in their area. Will it works? I think YES!, it WORKS! but the question is how successful it is?

As for me, i think it is only 30%. What PDRM can do is just that, catch the criminal and put into jail, waiting for procecution department to bring them to court and court takes years to judge the criminal after a long long delay (Judge on leave, MC, Defensive Council On leave and MC, then procecutors' turn to on leave and MC). From a few cases happened recently, i believe PDRM had put in a lot of effort to minimise the criminal in JB after a series of pressure from Public and i have witnessed they really make it. Example, the rob and rape case in JB, the Porshe spot car case in KL, the Little Ying Yin murder case in Penang. They able to solve the case in short time. It is amazing!!! GOOD JOB but need to KEEP IT UP!! But i need to agree that there are still a lot of unsolved cases dragged for so many years. I believe, the longer it drag, the more difficult to investigate, then the more difficult to find the culprit. Who should we blame? May be the officer in charge at that time who take things for granted should take the responsibility. We must remember, what PDRM can do it just patrol, investigate, catch the culprit and may be sometimes looking for "COFFEE". Where go the other 70%?

That's the key. The key that can totally solve the problem from its roots. GOVERNMENT, RULING PARTY and OPPOSITION PARTY all must play their parts. As head of government, PM should put more effort to enhance efficiency of his cabinet, to select appropriate personnel to head every ministries. Ruling party should me more open and not just "fight" for certain race and forget that what they are fighting is actually hurting another races. This will break the harmony in the country and some criminal cases may occur for "revenge". Same scenario for Opposition Party, please do not object because you want to object. I believe, most of the Opposition party supporters are come from educated population and they are more sensible and can think independently. Hence, to gain their supporters trust, opposition facing even bigger challenge than Ruling party which most of its supporters comes from rural area or places that most resident not much concern about politics. So, Opposition Party, please think before do.

To solve the criminal issue from its roots, EDUCATION is the most important parts. A good education system that can benefits all the students in Malaysia is EXTREMELY important. From what i observe since i am young, the education system in Malaysia is designed to educated certain group of students who is hardworking and clever. It totally forget the group that "hate" books, and label them as LAZY, and HOPELESS students. This had widen the gap between the "ELITE" group and the "HOPELESS" group. Hence, the "HOPELESS" will become the "timed boom" to the country. If their desire can be fulfilled in their life, then the society will be safe and harmony. However, when economy downturn, they are the group that easily feel the pressure. When the income reduce but expenses increase, in order to fill the gap, snatch theft "emerge". It is just my simple and straight assumptions and might be wrong in certain extend.

My token of thoughts, the education system must put more concentration to those "HOPELESS" group, find out what is the problems and solve them. Organise more outdoor activities for them to spark their interest in any fields and from there cultured their minds and attitude in positive ways. This really need lots of effort from all the level in our education system (National Service is a good start but the management must be more professional and please do not say that the number of students died in the camp is much lesser than people died on the road, it is very irresponsible. everybody in the camp is a child of a family and they come to service for nation and one day might died for nation in the war but not died in the National Service, PLEASE BE CLEAR!!). As for the "ELITE" group, a suitable guidance and sharing is sufficient for them. Everybody can talk like me and i think everybody agree this ideas will help but why we never see such thing happen in Malaysia? Its time for our government to discuss and implement it. However, to make sure the success, everybody in the government must take appropriate responsibility and not just Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education (although they have haevier responsibility). Other ministries must provide full support and updates and feed back to realise the effective education system. It should be lead by PM and not only Minister Education. Once a "complete" education system is firmed up, in less than 20 years, i strongly believe the criminal cases will decrease significantly and JB will no longer The Southern Hell of Malaysia.

You and I play parts to ensure a Harmony and Peaceful Malaysia!!

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